Weekly Journal Prompts

Journaling provides you with an opportunity to reflect on your learnings throughout the program and track your progress over the 6 weeks and beyond. What you write in your Lacuna journal is sacred, healing and, most importantly, it’s just for you.

Weekly Prompts to get you started

Week 6 - March 1st (final)

Congratulations for completing the You Are Here program! You’ve just undergone a deep learning experience and now is the best time to reflect to ensure you retain the most important parts of the journey.

Take 30 mins to journal about your learning journey by answering the following questions:

  1. What were the top 3 lessons you learned as part of the program?

  2. What mindset shifts have you employed already?

  3. What 1-2 tools from the program will you be referring to again? What situation(s) will prompt you to employ these tools?

  4. What is one win or accomplishment that you have already had by being part of the program?

  5. What is the next accomplishment you will work towards?

  6. End your journal with your personal mantra from your Thrive Love Note.

Week 5 - February 22nd

Resilience - the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. This is a key component to being our best selves and achieving our biggest dreams.

Reflect on a situation where you experienced hardship or a setback. Journal about that situation. How did that time in your life make you feel? What did you learn in having gone through that situation? Which of your strengths did you lean on to get through it? If you were to go through the situation again, what would you do different based on what you’ve learned?

End the journal entry with a brief message to yourself as you were going through that situation. What advice would you say to her now based on what you’ve learned? What can you say to encourage and empower her in the situation?

Week 4- February 15th

Re-read you top 5 strengths and your personal mission and vision journal from week 2. Take 2-5 minutes (we recommend setting a timer and playing soft meditation music), close your eyes and visualize yourself living your personal mission and vision while using your top strengths.

Directly after your visualization exercise, use your journal and write down:

  • The setting you were in - use vivid descriptions

  • What you were doing

  • What you felt

  • What thoughts crossed in your mind

Re-visit this journal entry at least three times this week to serve as a vision of what’s possible.

Week 3- February 8th

In a world full of distractions, your personal vision and mission help act as a guide to help you be laser-focused on priorities aligned with your best self.

Building from your personal vision and mission, use your journal to identify that top 2-3 priorities you’d like to focus on this year.  What ways could these priorities help you decide whether you say “yes” or “no” to opportunities or invitations that come your way? 

Week 2- February 1st

Authenticity is often aligned with our personal vision and mission in life (aka our purpose). Building on the foundation of your authentic self, reflect on what your vision and mission are.

Journal about your vision and mission:

Vision: Paint a brief picture with words of where you want your career/life to be in the future. Use present tense as it if already happened.

Mission: Describe the “why”. What difference or contribution do you want to make through your career or life?

Week 1- January 25th

What insights did you have about yourself in the best self exercise? Over the next week, take note of when you're in line or in opposition with your best self (revisit your three adjectives from session).   

Using your journal document the following:  

  1. Write down when you were in line or in opposition with your best self 

  2. What were you doing? Who were you with? What were you feeling? 

Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life changing, but life- expanding.
— Jennifer Williamson
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